Sponsors and Exhibitors

The WA Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Sector Conference relies on funding from the Commonwealth and State Governments and the generous support of our Conference Sponsors and Exhibitors. 

Participation as a Sponsor or Exhibitor demonstrates your organisation's support to improving the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal people in Western Australia. 

Exhibitor opportunities are limited each year and have now sold out for 2024. If you would like to be kept informed about Partnership opportunities for our 2025 Conference, please contact us via events@ahcwa.org

2024 State Sector Conference Sponsors

(Please check back regularly for updates)


Platinum Sponsor and Registration Partner

Gold Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Gold Sponsor


Silver Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Silver Sponsor


Silver Sponsor


Coffee Cart Sponsor

Drinks Cart Sponsor

2024 State Sector Conference Exhibitors




2024 WA Aboriginal Youth Conference Sponsors

Silver Sponsor

Platinum Sponsor and Registration Partner

Coffee Cart Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

2024 WA Aboriginal Youth Conference Exhibitors




Contact Us


Aboriginal Health Council of WA

450 Beaufort Street 

Highgate WA 6003


(08) 9227 1631